Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Updating of the Semi-detailed Environmental Impact Study for the Hospital Waste Treatment Infrastructure – Villa el Salvador – Lima

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Updating of the Semi-detailed Environmental Impact Study for the Hospital Waste Treatment Infrastructure – Villa el Salvador – Lima


Kanay S.A.C.

Fecha de Inicio

November of 2015

Fecha de Fin

November of 2015


The company KANAY SAC is currently carrying out the integral management of hospital solid waste, having its registration as a solid waste provider company PNA 925 – 14, it wishes to carry out an expansion of services through the technological improvement of its incineration processes, for this has the Semi-detailed Environmental Impact Studies of its infrastructure that is currently in operation, and said environmental instrument (EIA Sd) was approved by RD No. 2516-2013/DEPA/DIGESA/SA.

However, currently there is a great demand for the treatment of hazardous waste, which is why KANAY SAC seeks to respond to the market need by formulating a waste treatment infrastructure expansion project.

La Solución AMBIDES

Update the Semi-detailed Environmental Impact Study (EIA-sd) of the Hospital Solid Waste Treatment Infrastructure-Villa el Salvador, in order to prevent and control the environmental impacts generated by the expansion of services and the technological improvement of its processes.

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