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2012Update of a Technical File of the Public Investment Project for the construction of a Sanitary Landfill for the Province of Ica
Provincial Municipality of Ica
Fecha de Inicio
June of 2012
Fecha de Fin
June of 2012
The manual sanitary landfill in the province of Ica is located in the Loma Lodullado sector, at km 10+250 and 11+550 of the ICA to Playa Carhuaz highway, in the district, province, and department of Ica. This was designed to dispose of an average of 74,767.21 m3 per year of solid waste, with 44,860 tons per day. Covering an area of 390.00 hectares and a perimeter of 8,974.28 linear meters. During the 70 years of its useful life, the project will benefit the inhabitants of the city of Ica, reaching a total population served of 245,810 inhabitants.
La Solución AMBIDES
The design methodology adopted was the mixed method that combines trenches and platforms, where the waste will be disposed of with a compaction density of 0.60 Ton/m3.
To prevent contamination of the water and soil to permeate, an excavation will be carried out in the landfill area, in which clayey, homogeneous material will be placed, without organic content, with no less than 40% of its dry weight passing the mesh. ASTM Nº 200. This material will be placed in layers with a humidity slightly higher than the optimum, compacting each layer with machinery until obtaining a dry density not less than 90% of the maximum dry density established by the aforementioned test.
The sanitary landfill is made up of an administrative area: control booth, tool storage, SSHH dining room and compost area, recycling area, and an operational area made up of: the internal access road for Madrina truck traffic, five trenches, and platforms. for the final disposal of solid waste with a total storage capacity of 17,493,678.44 m3 and a pond for the storage and recirculation of leachate. All these structures were designed in compliance with the requirements of the National Building Regulations.
This part of the project corresponds to updating the total file.
The direct cost budget is S/. 5, 865, 942. 05.