Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Consulting Service in the Preparation of...
2012Consulting Service in the Preparation of the Study of the Plan for the Recovery and Use of Degraded Areas
Municipality of Parinacochas
Fecha de Inicio
December of 2012
Fecha de Fin
Febraury of 2013
The present study was carried out directed at the Sanccarará Dump, which is located near the left bank of the Sanccarará River parallel to the highway that connects the districts of Coracora and Chaviña in the department of Ayacucho. The area covered by the waste that is intended to be recovered with this plan is approximately 4,670 m2, and the area that it contemplates includes projected complementary infrastructures such as rainwater channels, gabions, fences, etc.
La Solución AMBIDES
An environmental management plan is proposed in order to mitigate, prevent or reduce potential negative impacts that could occur during the development of the project, thus the following activities were proposed to be carried out with environmental supervision: fumigation, rat extermination, elimination and control of cockroaches. , mosquitoes, flies, etc., as well as the realization of training with a monthly frequency during the closing stage. Lastly, after the recovery, the use of the area will be for landscape purposes so that it does not negatively impact the environment and thus protect the health of the population.