Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Preparation of the technical file for th...
2021Preparation of the technical file for the modification of Tanks 2 and 3 – Chilca Safety Landfill.
Fecha de Inicio
August of 2021
Fecha de Fin
October of 2021
At present there is Deposit N°1 and N°2 that considers 05 platforms conformed one on top of the other using a slope of 1.5:1(H:V), which generate a sidewalk of approximately 5 meters that are not continuous along its entire edge. Said platforms contemplate heights from 2.00 meters to 12 meters.
La Solución AMBIDES
Two test pits were made on the existing dike in order to know its geotechnical parameters, in this regard it was found that the dike is made up of granular material that reaches a bearing capacity of 2.04 kg/cm2 on average at a depth of 1.00 meter to 2.00m, increasing the value as it goes deeper. Also, as mentioned above, a seismic refraction test was carried out along the existing levee, which showed that the soil is very rigid. In this sense, it is proposed to enable this area to dispose of solid waste and thus form the platforms that will join Deposits N°2 and N°3. The habilitation consists of waterproofing the area, building internal drains for leachate collection and conduction, among others.