Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Consulting for the Preparation of the En...
2017Consulting for the Preparation of the Environmental Impact Studies and Technical Files of the Work for the Solid Waste Infrastructures, Sanitary Landfills and Security Landfills on the Property of the Company Innova Ambiental SA in the District of Chilca, Province of Cañete – Lima
Innova Ambiental SA
Fecha de Inicio
January of 2017
Fecha de Fin
July of 2017
The preparation of the Environmental Impact Study of the project of Infrastructure for final disposal of municipal and non-municipal solid waste of the company INNOVA AMBIENTAL S.A., aims to prevent and control the potential negative environmental impacts brought about by the inadequate management of solid waste in the country, as well as to enhance the positive impacts brought about by the execution of this project, which could be originated due to the activities of construction, operation, closure and post-closure of the infrastructure, in the area of influence, proposing appropriate prevention, mitigation or correction measures.
In the activities of conditioning and final disposal of waste, the design of the infrastructure for final disposal of hazardous waste will have its respective access road, weighing area, trenches for final disposal, control hut, temporary storage area and conditioning area; in such a way that the operations of the entity can be guaranteed, reaching a useful life of 40 years.
And for the design of the infrastructure for the disposal of non-hazardous waste it will have its respective access road, weighing area, control hut, protective earth dike, channel and sewer for rainwater evacuation, waste platform and leachate pond, administrative area; in such a way it will have a useful life of 60 years.
La Solución AMBIDES
Provision of an Infrastructure for the activities of final disposal of non-municipal solid waste, through the design of the infrastructure with their respective complementary facilities, ensuring the effective implementation of the operations of the entity.
Directorial Resolution
Approval of the Infrastructure Project for the Final Disposal of Hazardous Solid Waste in the Non-Municipal Management Area - Innova Ambiental Chilca Safety Landfill.