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2018Preparation and Presentation Service before the Competent Authority (SENACE) of an ITS Technical Report with the Purpose of Obtaining an Environmental Certification that Includes New Waste Treatment Systems for the Project “Infrastructure of Treatment and Final Disposal of Hazardous Solid Waste of the Non Municipal Management Area – La Cumbre, of Innova Ambiental S.A., located at Km 588 of the Panamerican Highway, District of Chicama, Province of Ascope, Department of La Libertad.
Fecha de Inicio
October of 2018
Fecha de Fin
March of 2019
The company INNOVA AMBIENTAL S.A., requested to obtain the extension of the environmental certification, through the inclusion of new hazardous solid waste treatment systems of the non-municipal management scope in the final disposal infrastructure of non-municipal hazardous solid waste (La Cumbre Safety Landfill), which is located in La Libertad region. For which; it was required to prepare the Substantive Technical Report that allows the inclusion of such treatment systems.
La Solución AMBIDES
AMBIDES S.A.C. prepared the Sustaining Technical Report (ITS) that allowed justifying the environmental non-significance of the inclusion of the non-municipal hazardous solid waste treatment system of the non-municipal hazardous solid waste final disposal infrastructure of La Cumbre. The ITS was approved by the competent authority (SENACE).