Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Consulting Service for the Preparation of the Situational Diagnosis of Prioritized Solid Waste for the Application of the Principle of Extended Producer Responsibility REP

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Consulting Service for the Preparation of the Situational Diagnosis of Prioritized Solid Waste for the Application of the Principle of Extended Producer Responsibility REP


Ministry of Environment

Fecha de Inicio

July of 2016

Fecha de Fin

August of 2016


According to World Bank projections, the population on planet Earth by 2020 will be 8.1 billion people, who generate 7 million tons of urban or domestic solid waste daily, being closely related to purchasing power. Thus, an inhabitant of New York must generate 6 kg/inhab/day daily, while an inhabitant of Quito generates 0.591 kg/inhab./day.

The relationship between the new consumption habits of society in the face of the growing and diverse generation of waste in the market does not make a reduction in global waste generation predictable, at least in the medium term.
Under this framework, the Extended Responsibility of the REP Producer has demonstrated and is demonstrating great effectiveness in a good part of the developed world, as a fair, sustainable, efficient and wealth-generating system for the proper selective management of waste.

In some countries, EPR policies have already been developed that affect the final use and disposal of certain products. An example of this are the requirements of the European Union for manufacturers of electronic items, where by law they have the obligation to recover their products, after the end of their useful life, to guarantee their recycling and final disposal, so by 2020 It will be mandatory that all products have a post-consumer management system.

Taking the post-consumer experience of European countries as a reference, and the different efforts that could be identified in Latin American countries such as Colombia, Chile or Costa Rica, it is of great interest to any country that is in the process of legislating the management sector. waste, start by defining a legal-institutional (and regulatory) model of extended producer responsibility (REP).

REP policies are also sources of opportunity for companies to rethink their businesses, since they open the doors to create added value for customers through the offer of after-sales services and product availability. Likewise, trying to offer a range of services gives the company the opportunity to obtain a better knowledge of the present and future needs of its clients.

La Solución AMBIDES

Analyze the environmental, social and economic aspect of the applicability of the principle of extended producer responsibility in the prioritized wastes to be considered within a proposal for a legal instrument for its implementation at the national level.


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