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2018Preparation of the technical report “Management of Solid Waste Generated by the Product Return Procedure of the Company Laive S.A.”, in its plant located in Nicolás de Piérola Nº 601, District of Ate – Lima.
Kanay S.A.C
Fecha de Inicio
December of 2018
Fecha de Fin
January of 2019
The company LAIVE S.A. (hereinafter “LAIVE”) is a long-standing company in the domestic market, whose corporate mission is focused on contributing to improve the quality of life of its consumers by offering healthy and nutritious food, which also considers that caring for the environment is a constant in its work. It is for this reason that these commitments made in 2014 are linked to compliance with legal requirements and voluntary commitments that frame the environmental performance that LAIVE assumed as a manufacturer or “solid waste generator”.
Under this context; and in accordance with the current legislation; LAIVE is part of the group of those large generators that assume commitments framed in the national solid waste policy guidelines approved by DL 1065, which establishes compliance with solid waste minimization measures throughout the life cycle of goods and services, in addition to the establishment of shared responsibility systems and comprehensive management of solid waste from its generation to its final disposal.
For the above mentioned; the implementation of solid waste management policies, allow the recovery of materials for the recovery of solid waste by companies that produce mass consumption goods, in order to achieve the “integrated management of solid waste” and that in the case of LAIVE, due to operational needs, has carried out during 2014, disposal activities of solid waste generated as part of the occurrence of returns of products that were offered for sale and due to particular conditions, were not in conditions to be marketed. Therefore, it is important to establish compliance with the regulations on solid waste management from an environmental point of view.
In this sense; it is pertinent to develop a technical report that supports the management of its returned products that were managed as solid waste and its subsequent commercialization through an EC-RS called VIAMERICA S.A.C. (hereinafter “VIAMERICA”), report that must be signed by a professional with extensive experience in the management and handling of solid waste, competent in the matter, and that is authorized in the professional practice.
La Solución AMBIDES
AMBIDES S.A.C. carried out the development of the evaluation of the management developed by LAIVE S.A. to the returned products (waste) to its plant located in Nicolás de Piérola N° 601, district of Ate (Lima 3), in which each one of its processes, inputs and materials within the production in such plant was analyzed in order to obtain the technical and legal feasibility for its reentry to production.