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2020Elaboration of the qualitative characterization of solid waste of the San Rafael Mining Unit – MINSUR – DISAL.
Fecha de Inicio
Octubre del 2020
Fecha de Fin
Abril del 2021
The San Rafael mining unit, hereinafter the unit, is the main tin producing mine in South America and the fourth worldwide. It is located in the Puno region, in the eastern Andes Mountains, at 4,500 meters above sea level. Since 1977 it has operated as MINSUR S.A. and today it produces close to 10% of the world’s tin. Since its inception, it has contributed to the development of the region, generating resources and employment for the local population and promoting sustainable development projects, being a benchmark for sustainability in the global tin industry by operating with the highest environmental and occupational safety standards.
As part of the production activities in the operational and administrative areas, significant volumes of solid waste are generated, which must be properly managed in order to contribute to environmental and social improvement. MINSUR currently has a solid waste disposal infrastructure, but it is reaching the end of its useful life.
As a result, MINSUR mining company is seeking to strengthen its social and environmental responsibility and improve the management and handling of its solid waste by requesting an extension of the landfill’s useful life, as well as the incorporation of solid waste recovery activities into its solid waste management plan. For this purpose, the project was divided into three phases to achieve the objectives. The first phase consists of the elaboration of the qualitative characterization study of the solid waste of the San Rafael mining unit, which allows updating the identification and characterization (classification) of the waste streams and their generation sources for future improvement opportunities, including the incorporation of waste valorization.
The scope of the present service is oriented towards determining the generation and physical composition of solid waste from MINSUR’s operational areas, which will allow the identification of the amount and types of solid waste with their respective physical characteristics, as a starting point in the future for the roadmap for the identification and implementation of alternatives for the valorization of organic and inorganic waste, in this way valorization contributes as a strategy to achieve the extension of the useful life of the landfill.
La Solución AMBIDES
Identify the solid waste generated at the MINSUR S.A. unit.
Establish waste generation by operational and administrative areas of the unit, MINSUR S.A.
Identify the generation indicators applicable to the unit, MINSUR S.A.
Establish and systematize the waste generated in the unit’s facilities, MINSUR S.A.
Develop the characterization sheets for solid waste generated at the unit, MINSUR S.A.