Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Update of the National Solid Waste Plan with a Social, Poverty Reduction, Gender and Youth Approach that Guides the Allocation of Public Resources for Socially Inclusive and Sustainable Solid Waste Management

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Update of the National Solid Waste Plan with a Social, Poverty Reduction, Gender and Youth Approach that Guides the Allocation of Public Resources for Socially Inclusive and Sustainable Solid Waste Management


Ministry of Environment

Fecha de Inicio

April of 2014

Fecha de Fin

November of 2014


Aware of this situation, MINAM has been developing a series of efforts to help local governments to overcome this problem and, in turn, to comply with the commitments assumed by the Peruvian Government in the various international agreements that guide the solution of this problem. problem. Thus, through the creation of the National Environmental Action Plan PLANAA PERU 2011-2021, which is the main long-term national environmental planning instrument and which operationalizes the National Environmental Policy, priority goals, actions strategic, responsible and indicators necessary to evaluate its execution by the entities that make up the National Environmental Management System (DS 014-2011-MINAM).

The Ministry of the Environment, in its responsibility to coordinate, supervise, and evaluate the PLANAA PERU 2011-2021, has promoted its compliance through management instruments such as the National Plan for Integral Management of Solid Waste (PLANRES), in accordance with the second goal priority of the PLANAA PERU 2011-2021 that seeks to achieve 100% of municipal solid waste managed, reused and disposed of appropriately by the year 2021.

La Solución AMBIDES

This instrument seeks to direct those involved towards the reduction of the national generation of solid waste and control of associated health and environmental risks; This implies actions such as the implementation of permanent environmental education programs, the promotion of citizen participation for the control and minimization of the generation of hazardous waste, responsible consumption, improvement of the quality and coverage of solid waste services, even implementing segregation at the source and selective collection at the national level, through the reduction, recovery, reuse and recycling of waste; valorizing solid waste through effective mechanisms for reuse and final disposal in a safe, sanitary and environmentally acceptable manner.

The National Plan for Comprehensive Solid Waste Management 2015 – 2024, includes in its update a social approach, consisting of poverty reduction, gender equity and youth participation, thus transforming the current management of solid waste and turning it in an instrument with a transversal approach, ceasing to be an instrument of environmental management to be one of sustainable development of the country, in compliance with the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), Program 21, the Bicentennial Plan: Peru towards 2021 and the National Environmental Action Plan 2011 – 2021.

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