Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Technical Training Service in the Diploma of Public Investment Project Formulation in Solid Waste

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Technical Training Service in the Diploma of Public Investment Project Formulation in Solid Waste


Ministry of Environment

Fecha de Inicio

November of 2014

Fecha de Fin

December of 2014


The service performed at the request of MINAM. It seeks to provide municipal officials with the necessary tools and knowledge so that municipalities have the opportunity to develop their projects to improve the comprehensive management of solid waste in their localities, which was strictly related to the purpose of Activity No. 5004324 Training in the Management and Management of Solid Waste, Product No. 3000580 entities with Comprehensive Solid Waste Management systems, included within the Budget Program No. 0036 “Comprehensive Management of Solid Waste”, incorporated in Annex No. 02 respectively all At the same time, it will strengthen the capacities of municipal officials in the management and management of solid waste.

La Solución AMBIDES

For the development of the service, constant coordination was maintained with the specialists of the solid waste management area of ​​the general direction of environmental quality, with whom the elaboration of the work material to be used was coordinated, considering an interactive thematic scheme (presentation in powert point, videos, photos and application examples) and a complete structure (conceptual framework, general aspects, identification and formulation and evaluation).

The diploma was held for 5 days in the city of Lima, where officials from selected municipalities were trained to finally prepare a final training report.

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