Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Soil Study for the Sanitary Landfill of the City of Rio Negro

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Soil Study for the Sanitary Landfill of the City of Rio Negro


Municipalidad Distrital de Rio Negro

Fecha de Inicio

Febrero del 2012

Fecha de Fin

Marzo del 2012


AMBIDES SAC, developed the geological, geotechnical and hydrogeological study for the development of the technical file of the sanitary landfill in an area of ​​7.7 Has, in the place called Alto Portillo.

La Solución AMBIDES

The evaluation of the stratigraphic, lithological and geometric characteristics of the soil, monitoring of the electrical resistance properties, monitoring and underground mapping of the stratigraphy and structural lithology of the subsoil, characterization of the hydrogeological parameters of the aquifers, aquitards or aquicludes and the identification and characterization of geological faults in the area of ​​influence. With the results obtained of the admissible capacity (1.33 kg/cm2), type of soil and groundwater levels, basic engineering information was given, recommending solutions in waterproofing techniques and surface runoff water management to be considered in the design of the structure. final disposal of waste.

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