Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Socialization and Validation of the National Plan for Comprehensive Solid Waste Management with a social focus, poverty reduction, gender and youth that guides the allocation of public resources for socially inclusive and sustainable solid waste management

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Socialization and Validation of the National Plan for Comprehensive Solid Waste Management with a social focus, poverty reduction, gender and youth that guides the allocation of public resources for socially inclusive and sustainable solid waste management


Ministry of Environment

Fecha de Inicio

July of 2015

Fecha de Fin

September of 2015


Socialization and Validation of the National Plan for Comprehensive Solid Waste Management with a social focus, poverty reduction, gender and youth that guides the allocation of public resources for socially inclusive and sustainable solid waste management.

The National Solid Waste Plan project with a social, poverty reduction, gender and youth approach that guides the allocation of public resources for socially inclusive and sustainable solid waste management consists of developing the socialization and validation of the national solid waste plan considering the social approach, poverty reduction, gender and youth.

Initially, the preliminary document PLANRES 2015 will be adapted to the corresponding social, poverty, gender and youth indicators not sufficiently included in said preliminary proposal to later validate it with actors involved in the comprehensive solid waste management system in the country, taking into account the new changes in municipal environmental management.

La Solución AMBIDES

Promote and achieve universal quality and coverage of the public cleaning service based on comprehensive and sustainable management systems in order to prevent environmental pollution and protect the health of the population.

Promote the adoption of sustainable consumption patterns and minimize the generation of solid waste and maximize the reuse and recycling of environmentally acceptable waste.

Strengthen integrated management by articulating the actions of the competent institutions and corporate responsibility, citizen participation and free access to information.

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