Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Service for the preparation of the Technical Sustainability Report (ITS) for the improvement and expansion of the scope of the “Cumbre” Landfill, as part of the execution of the project “Improvements and expansions in the types of non-hazardous waste to be disposed of at the Landfill”.

Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Service for the preparation of the Techn...


Service for the preparation of the Technical Sustainability Report (ITS) for the improvement and expansion of the scope of the “Cumbre” Landfill, as part of the execution of the project “Improvements and expansions in the types of non-hazardous waste to be disposed of at the Landfill”.



Fecha de Inicio

June of 2022

Fecha de Fin

July of 2022


The company INNOVA AMBIENTAL S.A. (INNOVA), is a solid waste operator EO-RS that owns a final disposal infrastructure, which has current environmental certification approved by RD 238-2014/DSB/DIGESA/SA, which approved the Semi-Detailed Environmental Impact Study EIA-sd, of the project “CUMBRE Sanitary Landfill” .

In this regard, it should be noted that the environmental impact study was approved within the framework of Law 27314 – General Law of Solid Waste and its regulation approved by DS 057-2004-PCM: Regulation of Law 27314 – General Law of Solid Waste. Thus, within the framework of the new Law on Integrated Solid Waste Management (D.L. 1278), its regulation (D.S. 014-2017-MINAM) and amendments, new provisions were framed for the design and operation in solid waste management infrastructures, which must be adapted to this current regulation.

In that sense; due to a commercial need of the company INNOVA, it wishes to expand the commercial scope, modify areas of the landfill and implement technological improvements through the preparation of this supporting technical report.

In this regard, it is pertinent to mention that art. 53 of the Provisions for the Single Procedure for the Environmental Certification Process of the National Environmental Certification Service for Sustainable Investments – SENACE, approved by D.S. 004-2022-MINAM, states that the holder who has an approved EIA can make technological improvements, modify components or make expansions in its project or activities, taking into account the following:

– In case it involves the generation of non-significant negative environmental impacts, the holder must submit a Technical Report Supporting to be in such assumption.

For the above mentioned; INNOVA considers pertinent the development of the present ITS that is elaborated with the objectives shown below:

– Propose the extension of the scope of final disposal of municipal solid waste for the final disposal of non-hazardous of the non-municipal management scope.

– Modification of non-operational areas of the “Cumbre” Landfill.

– Implementation of technological improvement in the installation of vertical gas drains.


La Solución AMBIDES

Propose the expansion of the scope of final disposal of municipal solid waste for the final disposal of non-hazardous from the scope of non-municipal management.

Modification of non-operational areas of the “Cumbre” Landfill.

Implementation of technological improvement in the installation of vertical gas drains.

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