Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Service for the Elaboration and Validation of the Updated Format of the Annual Sectorial Report on Waste Management

Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Service for the Elaboration and Validati...


Service for the Elaboration and Validation of the Updated Format of the Annual Sectorial Report on Waste Management



Fecha de Inicio

April of 2014

Fecha de Fin

December of 2014


The Ministry of the Environment took the initiative to update the annual report format for non-municipal solid waste management, in order to conduct an in-depth analysis of the country’s current situation in the management and handling of this waste and take actions to improve and minimize it. These actions will allow the fulfillment of PLANAA 2011-2021 goals.
To this end, a preliminary version of the updated format of the annual sectoral report on non-municipal solid waste was disseminated at a consultation workshop. During the workshop, comments and observations were made on the preliminary format, in addition to the intervention of specialists from the Ministry of the Environment, regarding the presentation of annual reports for each sector, which in some cases had incomplete or erroneous information.
The main issues that were discussed were the definitions of solid waste for the competence of each sector, which is not clarified in the present general solid waste law, as well as the suggestion to modify the format of the annual declaration of solid waste and the waste manifest. Another point that was suggested was the inclusion of a virtual platform for the reporting of annual waste management information for each sector.
Specifically, the representatives of the production sector mentioned that the reporting of information from the fishing sub-sector was partial, due to the fact that the generating companies did not report their annual declaration for different reasons. They also indicated that the current format is oriented to the industrial activity, but not to the fishing activity.
Specifically, the representatives of the health sector (DIGESA) mentioned that sanctions should be applied to EPS-RS and EC-RS that do not report information on the waste management services they provide. In addition, they suggested that a virtual platform similar to SIGERSOL should be used to report non-municipal waste information.
Specifically, the representatives of SUNAT mentioned that the reporting of information involving this entity is not done in an adequate manner since neither the Ministry of the Environment nor the General Law on Solid Waste establishes a clear definition of the term “solid waste” for its competence.
Thus, each sector expressed its opinion and it was established that the Ministry of the Environment should meet with each of the institutions involved in the management and handling of non-municipal waste in order to learn about their functions with respect to waste management and their participation in the reporting of sectoral information.

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