Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Semi-detailed Environmental Impact Study for Hospital Waste Treatment Infrastructure – Villa El Salvador – Lima

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Semi-detailed Environmental Impact Study for Hospital Waste Treatment Infrastructure – Villa El Salvador – Lima


Kanay S.A.C

Fecha de Inicio

October of 2013

Fecha de Fin

November of 2013


Solid waste generated in health establishments and medical support services is the product of care activities and constitutes a potential danger of harm to people’s health. This waste has an important component of hazardous waste (biocontaminated and special).

Currently, the management of solid waste at the National level is arousing the interest of public and private institutions, driven by the development of safety and health in hospital work, environmental protection and the quality of health services.

According to the annual report on municipal and non-municipal solid waste in Peru Management 2009, on biocontaminated solid waste management, around 111,369.72 metric tons of biocontaminated waste are generated in Peru, of which 82% corresponds to metropolitan Lima

La Solución AMBIDES

AMBIDES SAC prepared the Environmental Impact Study for the hospital waste incineration plant located in Villa el Salvador and which occupies an area of ​​1500 m2, with an operating capacity of 7,245 tons/day.

The technical team proposed the “Environmental Management Strategy”, establishing: the environmental management plan, environmental surveillance plan, contingency plan and the abandonment or closure plan, with an investment amount of 98,360.0 Soles for the implementation of the strategic measures.

The study was satisfactorily completed before the contractual term and was approved by DIGESA, which was the entity that issued the Environmental Certification of the project.

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