Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Review of the status of the environmental management instruments for the Ecocentro Chilca Planta.

Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Review of the status of the environmenta...


Review of the status of the environmental management instruments for the Ecocentro Chilca Planta.



Fecha de Inicio

Diciembre del 2020

Fecha de Fin

Enero del 2021


The company Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible SAC – AMBIDES SAC, is a company specialized in the field of consultancy and integral solutions in solid waste management that, due to its wide capacity in the execution of environmental instruments, provides technical and efficient support to solid waste operating companies in the development of environmental management instruments, as well as in the adequate compliance with the environmental commitments inherent to the development of their activities.

In that sense, it is pertinent to put under consideration of SÉCHÉ GROUP PERÚ, the diagnosis and legal evaluation carried out to its environmental management instruments of the Chilca hazardous industrial waste treatment and final disposal plant, in order to provide an overview of the current situation and consequently the possible improvement alternatives that allow the adequate compliance with the environmental regulations of our country.

La Solución AMBIDES

Analyze the environmental management instruments approved for the operation of the Chilca Solid Waste Treatment and Final Disposal Plant owned by Kanay S.A.C., in order to establish the legal strategy for updating and/or modifying them, according to what is established in the current legal framework regarding solid waste, which will allow giving operational continuity to the Plant, with the greatest possible service coverage.

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