Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Rectification of CIRA coordinates of the Chilca – KANAY safety landfill.

Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Rectification of CIRA coordinates of the...


Rectification of CIRA coordinates of the Chilca – KANAY safety landfill.



Fecha de Inicio

November of 2020

Fecha de Fin

January of 2021


The purpose of this service is for the verification and rectification of coordinates of CIRA No. 2002-191, to adjust said CIRA to the area of the Séché Group company’s security fill project.

La Solución AMBIDES

  • Correct in cabinet the location of the CIRA, so that it fits on the area of the land of the security landfill of the company KANAY.
  • Delimit and redefine the coordinates of the new location of the CIRA, in the area of the KANAY safety landfill.
  • Manage the file for the rectification of coordinates of CIRA No. 2002-191, for approval by the Ministry of Culture.

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