Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Recovery and closure of the area degraded by municipal solid waste at the Pampas del Chen Chen South Cemetery Creek Landfill, District of Moquegua, Province of Mariscal Nieto, Department of Moquegua.

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Recovery and closure of the area degraded by municipal solid waste at the Pampas del Chen Chen South Cemetery Creek Landfill, District of Moquegua, Province of Mariscal Nieto, Department of Moquegua.


Mariscal Nieto Provincial Municipality

Fecha de Inicio

July of 2021

Fecha de Fin

February of 2023


n the district of Moquegua for decades there has been a permanent accumulation of municipal solid waste with approximately 400,000 m3 of waste, the degraded area has been categorized for recovery by the Agency for Environmental Evaluation and Control (OEFA), so it appears in the national inventory of areas degraded by solid waste, during this period have increased incidents such as fires in increasingly shorter periods.
This is why the Mariscal Nieto Provincial Municipality has a project: “Recovery and closure of the area degraded by municipal solid waste in the dump of the Pampas Chen Chen South cemetery ravine in the district of Moquegua – Province of Mariscal Nieto – Department of Moquegua” registered in 2019 with a unique investment code CUI 2475277.
The areas degraded by solid waste are 02

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The degraded area will be recovered by implementing a low structure based on a compacted soil dam, platforms with sidewalks to compact and confine the waste moved to the area, channels to provide hydrological stability and evacuate surface runoff water, a leachate management system, a gas drainage system, a structure to store and recirculate leachate, an access road to maintain continuity of upstream communication, and a structure for monitoring and operational control.

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