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Preparation of the V national report on solid waste at the municipal and non-municipal level.


Ministry of Environment

Fecha de Inicio

December of 2013

Fecha de Fin

January of 2014


The report includes the consolidation of the information corresponding to the development of the management of municipal and non-municipal solid waste at the national level during the year 2012, it was carried out based on the information collected from the environmental instruments prepared by the municipalities that reported its activities in solid waste management during 2012, such as: Characterization Studies, Solid Waste Management Plans, Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan, as well as Public Investment projects related to solid waste management, in addition, It was reinforced with information collected by MINAM through the Solid Waste Management System (SIGERSOL) and information from the Municipal Modernization Program, Source Segregation Program.

La Solución AMBIDES

For the development of the following report, the results of the review and processing of available information on solid waste management in the country, obtained from the 2012 Solid Waste Management Information System (SIGERSOL), were incorporated; information from the Integrated Solid Waste Environmental Management Plans (PIGARS), from the Solid Waste Characterization Studies, from the 2012 Annual Sectoral Report on Solid Waste Management, as well as from primary information obtained from the product of coordination with the respective responsible parties at the non-municipal level.
The determination of the National GPC was made based on the information provided by the 244 characterization studies, who were distributed according to the population ranges established by the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics – INEI in its publication, Recent Internal Migration and the system of cities 2002-2007, in chapter II establishes a table of population conglomerate size range, Considering that population growth is eminently urban, this table was adjusted according to the Report of the Regional Evaluation of Urban Solid Waste Management in Latin America and the Caribbean 2010, where the Pan American Health Organization – PAHO divides the population into 5 ranges (micro, small, medium, large and mega cities). The CPG values for each range were considered for each district with the same population characteristics and regional geographic location (coast, highlands, jungle), thus obtaining an estimated CPG for the 1,834 districts. These were weighted with their respective populations to find the average GPC

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