Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Preparation of the Technical File of the Infrastructure for the Final Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste of the Project in its First Phase “Improvement and Expansion of the Integral Management of Municipal Solid Waste of the City of Chuquibambilla, Province of Grau – Apurímac”.

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Preparation of the Technical File of the Infrastructure for the Final Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste of the Project in its First Phase “Improvement and Expansion of the Integral Management of Municipal Solid Waste of the City of Chuquibambilla, Province of Grau – Apurímac”.


Provincial Municipality of Grau - Apurimac

Fecha de Inicio

September of 2013

Fecha de Fin

September of 2013


The infrastructure of Manual Final Disposal (Sanitary Landfill) of the province of Grau, located in the jurisdiction of the sector called Chinchillpay, district of Chuquibambilla, province of Grau in the department of Apurímac, covers a total area of ​​45015.30 square meters and a perimeter of 1016.40 linear meters.

The aforementioned project contemplates a useful life period of 13 years, the same that during the operation stage estimates a benefited population of 2779 inhabitants.

La Solución AMBIDES

The distribution of the Manual Sanitary Landfill includes environments such as: security booth, administrative building, composting area and operational area, the latter is made up of: the internal access road for dump truck traffic, 05 three trenches, 03 platforms and 01 leachate pool.

Regarding the waste storage capacity in the five trenches proposed for the project, these have a capacity of 12,181.14m3, and a pond will be designed for the storage and recirculation of the leachate generated in the sanitary landfill, which will have a capacity of approx. 3,294.08 m3.


Favorable Technical Opinion

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Favorable Technical Opinion for the project "Manual Sanitary Landfill and Municipal Solid Waste Utilization Plant in the city of Chuquibambilla, Province of Grau-Apurimac".

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