Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Preparation of the Quarry Study for the Expansion of the Safety Landfill, complemented with Geophysical and Geological Field Evaluation, Geophysical Studies, Geotechnical Evaluation, Soil Mechanics Tests (Calicatas) and Quarry Study, located in the Chutana Creek, at Km. 60 of the North Pan-American Highway, in the District of Chilca, Province of Cañete, Department of Lima.

Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Preparation of the Quarry Study for the ...


Preparation of the Quarry Study for the Expansion of the Safety Landfill, complemented with Geophysical and Geological Field Evaluation, Geophysical Studies, Geotechnical Evaluation, Soil Mechanics Tests (Calicatas) and Quarry Study, located in the Chutana Creek, at Km. 60 of the North Pan-American Highway, in the District of Chilca, Province of Cañete, Department of Lima.



Fecha de Inicio

June of 2018

Fecha de Fin

August of 2018


As part of the Taris S.A. Safety Landfill project, the expansion of cells for the confinement of hazardous and non-hazardous industrial waste is required, in that sense it is necessary to evaluate the spaces to be able to consider them with new spaces for the

For this purpose, it is necessary to carry out a geotechnical, geological and geophysical evaluation of the area planned for the construction of the facilities, which is based specifically on confinement cells.

To this end, a geotechnical, geological and geophysical investigation program was carried out.

geotechnical investigation consisted of the technical inspection of the area of interest, excavation of

The geotechnical investigation consisted of a technical inspection of the area of interest, excavation of pits with extraction of soil samples, which were tested in the laboratory of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú.

The geological investigation consisted of the technical inspection of the area of interest, excavation of sampling points.

sampling points.

The geophysical evaluation consisted of prospecting points, carrying out geoelectric soundings, for subsequent interpretation.

The present Quarry Study contains as main basis the geotechnical conditions of the area considered.

This study has been carried out by the company Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible – AMBIDES S.A.

Sostenible – AMBIDES SAC. at the request of TARIS S.A.

La Solución AMBIDES

To carry out an evaluation of the ground conditions within the area of interest where the confinement structure to be projected is to be installed. For this reason, research work has been carried out, describing the surface and subsoil characteristics with the purpose of knowing the physical-mechanical properties of the ground, identifying the type of soil, its resistance and deformation characteristics, as well as the material potential for daily coverage, the latter being a very determining factor for the operation processes.

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