Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Preparation of the Project for the Future Use of the Recovered Areas at the headquarters of the Hospital de la Solidaridad de San Juan de Lurigancho II, located in the Huiracocha Park

Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Preparation of the Project for the Futur...


Preparation of the Project for the Future Use of the Recovered Areas at the headquarters of the Hospital de la Solidaridad de San Juan de Lurigancho II, located in the Huiracocha Park


Sistema Metropolitano de la Solidaridad (SISOL)

Fecha de Inicio

Diciembre del 2011

Fecha de Fin

Diciembre del 2011


The project of future use of the recovered area in the Sector of the Huiracocha Zonal Park had the purpose of establishing in it a temporary base of the Hospital de la Solidaridad in San Juan de Lurigancho, in the area located between Avenida Próceres de la Independencia and Avenida Maquinarias, district of San Juan de Lurigancho, Province and Department of Lima; which covers an area of 1.78 hectares.

The works of Execution of the Plan of Recovery of the Area Degraded by Solid Waste were carried out; performing the habilitation of the area, the installation of control devices and environmental monitoring, adequate confinement of the solid waste, final cover and complementary works of deepening of six (6) pipes for the evacuation of gases; carried out by the company Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible SAC. This project was prepared following the guidelines established by the Dirección General de Salud Ambiental – DIGESA.

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