Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Preparation of the Environmental Impact Study of the Project for the Improvement of the Integral Management of Solid Waste in the City of La Merced and the Province of Chanchamayo, Junín Region

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Preparation of the Environmental Impact Study of the Project for the Improvement of the Integral Management of Solid Waste in the City of La Merced and the Province of Chanchamayo, Junín Region


Provincial Municipality of Chanchamayo

Fecha de Inicio

September of 2011

Fecha de Fin

October of 2011


The project for the preparation of the Environmental Impact Study of the Project for the Improvement of the Integral Management of Solid Waste in the City of La Merced and the Province of Chanchamayo, located in Junín. It has an area of ​​4.5 hectares and a perimeter of 966.29 linear meters, with access to the land through the Neighborhood Road, along the left bank of the Colorado River, whose stretch is approximately 04 km from the Belaunde Terry marginal road (at the height of the Colorado Bridge). to the land, and at a distance of 17.00 km from the District Municipality of Chanchamayo.

The minimum period of useful life considered is 10 years, with the land owned by the Provincial Municipality of Chanchamayo. In the infrastructure, the administrative area, access road, operational area, trenches, drains, leachate pool, monitoring well, and security fence are considered. In addition, the minimum facilities that the recovery and treatment infrastructure must have, have been considered, a manually operated composting unit will be implemented for organic waste in the final disposal area, coming from the markets and transformed into compost.
Taking the following environmental parameters into consideration Annual average precipitation: 1,559.8 mm. (Pichanaky Meteorological Station), Annual average temperature: 25.6° C. (Pichanaky Meteorological Station), and estimated average relative humidity of 82%. It was possible to observe that as a result of the Air Quality Monitoring, the Environmental Quality standard was exceeded, in the Analysis of environmental noise it was observed that the limit of 80db permissible and the meteorology analysis were exceeded.


Certification of the Semi-Detailed Environmental Impact Study

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Directorial Resolution for the approval of the Semi-Detailed Environmental Impact Study (EIA-SD) Category II, of the project "Final Disposal Infrastructure and Solid Waste Recovery and Treatment Plant of the City of La Merced, District and Province of Chanchamayo, Junin Region".

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