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2021Preparation of the Environmental Adequacy and Management Program (PAMA) and the Modification of the Environmental Impact Assessment (MEIA) for the Chilca Hazardous Industrial Waste Treatment and Disposal Infrastructure.
Kanay S.A.C
Fecha de Inicio
December of 2021
Fecha de Fin
Febraury of 2024
The Environmental Adequacy and Management Program (PAMA) of the “Ecocentro Chilca Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal Infrastructure”, aims to identify and establish, if appropriate, measures to prevent, mitigate and control, progressively, the negative environmental impacts associated with the operation of the components declared in this study, as well as those projected. Therefore, it includes the action proposals, programs and investment schedules necessary to incorporate the measures described above, whose purpose is to optimize the use of raw materials and inputs, and minimize or control particulate matter, emissions and/or discharges, the latter in compliance with the environmental standards established by the Competent Environmental Authority.
La Solución AMBIDES
– Analyze the results obtained from the socio-environmental baseline studies to determine the current status of the project, in order to make a situational diagnosis of the Ecocentro Chilca hazardous waste treatment and disposal infrastructure.
– Evaluate the potential environmental impacts generated by the interaction of project activities and the components associated with the physical, biological and social environments.
– Design and establish an Environmental Management Strategy, identifying prevention, mitigation and minimization measures for the negative impacts identified in the “Ecocentro Chilca hazardous waste treatment and disposal infrastructure”.