Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Preparation of the dossier and complementary documentation that allows the “Establishment of quality conditions for the reuse of serum containers that were previously treated to eliminate their infectious condition and their subsequent use or commercialization”.

Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Preparation of the dossier and complemen...


Preparation of the dossier and complementary documentation that allows the “Establishment of quality conditions for the reuse of serum containers that were previously treated to eliminate their infectious condition and their subsequent use or commercialization”.



Fecha de Inicio

Octubre del 2020

Fecha de Fin

Diciembre del 2020


The methodology developed seeks to segregate from the source of generation the material so that it is exposed as little as possible to the presence of pathogenic components, and then treated by a self-nailing process.

La Solución AMBIDES

To technically demonstrate the possibility of using the serum containers generated in Health Establishments, considered hazardous due to their infectious nature, after being subjected to a treatment system by autoclaving which eliminates this hazardous condition, in Lima. Peru 2020.

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