Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Preparation of Studies and Instruments for the Integral Management of Solid Waste Project for the Improvement and Expansion of the Integral Management of Solid Waste of the District of Hualla – Province of Victor Fajardo, Region of Ayacucho

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Preparation of Studies and Instruments for the Integral Management of Solid Waste Project for the Improvement and Expansion of the Integral Management of Solid Waste of the District of Hualla – Province of Victor Fajardo, Region of Ayacucho


District Municipality of Hualla

Fecha de Inicio

October of 2012

Fecha de Fin

January of 2013


This consultancy was developed following the guidelines contained in the General Solid Waste Law No. 27314 with its respective regulations and the guidelines for the formulation of waste management plans proposed by the Ministry of the Environment.

In addition, adding the directives of the SNIP, the requested Pre-Investment Study will be formulated, in order to send it to the OPI for its evaluation and declare the feasibility of the project.

La Solución AMBIDES

Activities were carried out to gather secondary information and ensure the feasibility of the project. These activities included analyzing the demand and supply of public storage, collection, transportation and treatment of municipal solid waste, and conducting a sustainability analysis of the project, gathering the necessary information for the investment project.

The site selection study will define some parameters for comparison, such as land area, wind direction, availability of covering material, among others. This study will serve as support that the operating conditions of the sanitary landfill will be adequately carried out because there will be no repercussions with the restriction criteria existing in the current legislation in force. If possible, two more land alternatives will be identified for the habilitation, operation and maintenance of the final disposal infrastructure.


Favorable Technical Opinion

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Favorable Technical Opinion for the project "Manual Sanitary Landfill and Solid Waste Utilization Plant in the district of Hualla, province of Victor Fajardo, Ayacucho region, in favor of the client.

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