Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Preparation of studies and instruments for solid waste management District Municipality of Paucará Acabamba – Huancavelica

Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Preparation of studies and instruments f...


Preparation of studies and instruments for solid waste management District Municipality of Paucará Acabamba – Huancavelica


District Municipality Of Paucara-Acobamaba - Huancavelica

Fecha de Inicio

September of 2012

Fecha de Fin

December of 2012


AMBIDES SAC offered the service of the elaboration of the following products:

-Site Selection Study

-Investment project profile for integral management of solid waste

-Environmental Instrument

La Solución AMBIDES

Once the land with the best environmental conditions was selected, the study of pre-investment and technical file to dispose of 7.48 tons/day of municipal solid waste, benefiting 8,954 inhabitants. The PIP investment amount reaches 1,215 178.41 Soles as a direct cost.

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