Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Preparation of a study for the selection of an area for the Final Disposal of Solid Waste Infrastructure -Resiter S.A. – Arequipa

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Preparation of a study for the selection of an area for the Final Disposal of Solid Waste Infrastructure -Resiter S.A. – Arequipa



Fecha de Inicio

July of 2021

Fecha de Fin

August of 2021


The Arequipa region, is located in southern Peru, bordering the regions of Ica, Ayacucho, Apurimac, Cusco, Puno and Moquegua, and represents 4.1% of the national population. In 2020, it ranked second as the region with the highest contribution to Gross Value Added (GVA), standing out as the region with the highest contribution to Gross Value Added (GVA).

(GVA), with mining (31.9%), other services (18.1%), services (18.1%), manufacturing (10.7%) and commerce (9.4%) as the main economic activities. Mining activity in Arequipa is in third place, being surpassed by Cusco and Ancash, being characterized by copper extraction, gold, silver, lead and zinc production.

Mining investment during 2020 was US$211million, decreasing 48.2% compared to the previous year, however, in the coming years, important mining construction projects will be developed for an amount of no less than US$5,463 million.

Resiter Perú S.A.C. is seeking to develop a final disposal infrastructure in the Arequipa region, so it hired AMBIDES S.A.C. to identify at least 03 available sites that meet the technical, legal, operational and social criteria for the development of the infrastructure, as part of the study for the selection of an area for


La Solución AMBIDES

Evaluate and determine the location of each site:

Evaluate and determine the location of each of the alternatives proposed for the solid waste disposal infrastructure project.

Evaluate and determine the location of the project alternatives in relation to the Buffer Zones and/or Natural Protected Areas.

Determine the level of vulnerability and risk to which the alternatives proposed in the Area Selection Study may be affected.

Determine the preservation of archaeological, cultural and monumental heritage in the proposed alternatives.

Carry out a descriptive analysis of the geomorphology and hydrology of the alternatives to be analyzed in the Area Selection Study.

Develop the description of the area selected during the evaluation of alternatives for the project.

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