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2018Preparation of a Preinvestment Technical Design Study on Integrated Solid Waste Management for the urban centers of the municipalities that make up the Commonwealth of Municipalities of Central Chuquisaca (Azurduy, Villa Serrano, Tomina, Padilla, Sopachuy, Villa Alcalá, El Villar and Tarvita).
Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation Swiss-Organization for Development and International Cooperation
Fecha de Inicio
August of 2018
Fecha de Fin
February of 2019
The Commonwealth of Municipalities Chuquisaca Centro (Azurduy, Villa Serrano, Tomina, Padilla, Sopachuy, Villa Alcalá, El Villar and Tarvita) required the improvement and expansion of its urban sanitation service for the urban centers in the municipalities that make up the Commonwealth through a Preinvestment Technical Design Study of integrated solid waste management.
La Solución AMBIDES
AMBIDES S.A.C., elaborated the Preinvestment Technical Design Study for the improvement of urban sanitation in the localities of said Mancomunidad, proposing solution alternatives based on the situational diagnosis of the urban waste management service in each of the localities and carrying out the technical design of each service process, from storage to final disposal.