Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Pre-Investment Study at the Project Profile Level: Improvement and Expansion of the Public Cleaning Service in the District of Iquitos and in the process of Final Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste in the District of Iquitos, Punchana and Belén in the Province of Maynas – Loreto

Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Pre-Investment Study at the Project Prof...


Pre-Investment Study at the Project Profile Level: Improvement and Expansion of the Public Cleaning Service in the District of Iquitos and in the process of Final Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste in the District of Iquitos, Punchana and Belén in the Province of Maynas – Loreto


Provincial Municipality of Maynas

Fecha de Inicio

February of 2015

Fecha de Fin

May of 2015


The pre-investment study at the profile level; It is the stage of the investment where the technical analysis of the alternatives, the determination of the gap, the determination of the costs, etc. are carried out. The evaluation horizon of the project is established, the current and projected demand of the public cleaning service is estimated, as well as the current and optimized offer of the service, determining the gap between the demand and the offer, for the sizing and pre-design of the processes of the identified alternatives.

La Solución AMBIDES

For the preparation of the pre-investment study at the profile level, it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis of the current situation of the public cleaning service that allows identifying the central problem, knowing the characteristics of the area of ​​influence and the study area, those involved and the affected population. . In this sense, it is established that the total number of direct beneficiaries is around 155,636 people.

As a result of the Investment Project, the need was raised to build a Transfer Plant with a reception capacity of 414.20 tons per day from the districts of Iquitos, Punchana and Belén, an efficient final disposal infrastructure, in addition to the acquisition of equipment, and awareness in comprehensi

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