Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Obtaining the Environmental Certification of the Villa El Salvador Solid Waste Treatment Infrastructure, so that it can be Authorized to Eliminate PCB Compounds -Villa El Salvador-Lima.

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Obtaining the Environmental Certification of the Villa El Salvador Solid Waste Treatment Infrastructure, so that it can be Authorized to Eliminate PCB Compounds -Villa El Salvador-Lima.



Fecha de Inicio

December of 2017

Fecha de Fin

December of 2018


The company KANAY S.A.C. is a private capital company formally incorporated in Peru, and since 2014, has established itself as the main operator of hospital solid waste treatment system in the district of Villa el Salvador – Lima.

This treatment plant performs a thermal treatment process by controlled incineration of solid waste with hazardous characteristics, coming from the Health Care Centers of Metropolitan Lima. This infrastructure is currently operating under the Solid Waste Provider Company Registry (EPS-RS) number EPNA No. 928-14, which grants it the necessary registration for the treatment of: a) hazardous solid waste from health care facilities, b) hazardous solid waste of industrial origin, c) hazardous solid waste from construction activities, d) hazardous solid waste from special facilities or activities, among others that are detailed in the scope of the document.

Likewise; in order to carry out the incineration activities that it currently develops, 02 bacth type incinerators were projected, enabled and started up, with an operation capacity of up to 200 kg/hour, being implemented with the previous obtaining of the environmental certification issued by the health authority; which was approved by Directorial Resolution No. 2516-2013/DEPA/DIGESA/SA., whose original project name was: “Infrastructure for the Treatment of Hospital Solid Waste – Villa ElSalvador”.

In that way; the company KANAY SAC has been developing its work since 2014, with the use of two incinerators; and the year 2015, decided to implement a project of change of incineration technology, which gave it the possibility to incinerate more efficiently up to 1000kg/hour, (with the use of a change of technology and capacity expansion) for which it developed the update of its environmental instrument, since it would increase its operational capacity effectively, and under that context; It was able to obtain approval for updating the current environmental certification through Directorial Resolution No. 24522015/DEPA/DIGESA/SA, which was called “Update of the Environmental Impact Study of the Hospital Solid Waste Treatment Infrastructure – Villa El Salvador”.

Subsequent to the environmental certification of the updated project, KANAY SAC, has managed the approval of the updated project, which was granted through Directorial Resolution No. 1827-2016/DSB/DGESA/SA, which clears the way for the start of the enabling stage.

However; in 2016, KANAY SAC, has considered important that its updated Project that has environmental certification called “Infrastructure for the Treatment of Hospital Solid Waste – Villa El Salvador – Lima”, be modified according to its viable operational capabilities, so that it can have a modified environmental certification to provide hospital waste incineration services and other additional services, which is why this document called Supporting Technical Report – ITS, which is part of the procedure No. 14 of the Unified Text of Administrative Procedures – TUPA of DIGESA/MINSA is developed.

La Solución AMBIDES

Evaluate the implications generated by the extension of the environmental certification of the Hazardous Waste Treatment Infrastructure- Villa el Salvador” project.

Evaluate the feasibility of including PCB hazardous waste treatment in the project.

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