Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Institutional Strengthening for the Update of the “Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan and Formulation of the Action Plan for its Execution in the Province of Satipo”

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Institutional Strengthening for the Update of the “Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan and Formulation of the Action Plan for its Execution in the Province of Satipo”


Provincial Municipality of Maynas

Fecha de Inicio

February of 2014

Fecha de Fin

June of 2014


In which the officials of the 08 districts of the Province of Satipo were invited to learn about the concerns and problems of the different municipalities; providing training and advice to improve waste management in the province. Different institutions, the population and the press were also invited to inform about the workshops to be held and to involve the majority of actors in the perception of the problem and in the development of PIGARS. Likewise, it was executed with the purpose of agreeing on the commitments related to PIGARS, which will be reinforced in the development of the next workshops.

La Solución AMBIDES

The material for the workshop was designed, taking into account the objective sought and providing the opportunity for participation to those present. In addition, there were rounds of questions regarding the management of Waste in the Province, questions were answered regarding the coverage issues of the public cleaning service at the provincial level and the issues of rates and investment costs for projects of this magnitude were reinforced as well. as well as in future investment projects on the topic of solid waste management.

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