Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Evaluation Study and Proposal for Alternatives to Improve the Public Cleaning Service and Green Areas of the District of Trujillo

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Evaluation Study and Proposal for Alternatives to Improve the Public Cleaning Service and Green Areas of the District of Trujillo


Provincial Municipality of Trujillo

Fecha de Inicio

August of 2016

Fecha de Fin

September of 2016


The municipalities are responsible for the management of solid waste and green areas within the jurisdiction of the district, which seeks to prevent health risks and protect the environment, managing to improve the quality of life of the population.

The Provincial Municipality of Trujillo, in May 2007, created the Trujillo Environmental Management Service (SEGAT), a Decentralized Public Organization (OPD) which is responsible for the integral management of municipal solid waste, from its generation to its final disposal. , the maintenance of green areas and the protection of the environment in the district of Trujillo.
The consulting study developed the current state of the service that SEGAT has been providing, through its operational areas such as the Sub-Management of Public Cleaning, Sub-Management of Green Areas and Sub-Management of Final Disposal and Treatment, as well as the administrative areas. complementary, proposing alternatives that

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Guarantee an efficient and effective provision of public cleaning service with adequate coverage in all sectors of the district, involving actions of minimization, recycling and reuse of solid waste from the stage of generation to final disposal, as well as proper and environmental management of green areas; ensuring better conditions of public health and quality of life of the population of Trujillo.

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