Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Elaboration of the Archaeological Evaluation Project – PEA, in order to evaluate the archaeological potential of the site called “Quebrada Chutana Archaeological Complex – 1” and “Quebrada Chutana Archaeological Complex 2” of the Taris S.A. Company, located in the District of Chilca, province of Cañete, department of Lima.

Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Elaboration of the Archaeological Evalua...


Elaboration of the Archaeological Evaluation Project – PEA, in order to evaluate the archaeological potential of the site called “Quebrada Chutana Archaeological Complex – 1” and “Quebrada Chutana Archaeological Complex 2” of the Taris S.A. Company, located in the District of Chilca, province of Cañete, department of Lima.



Fecha de Inicio

Febraury of 2018

Fecha de Fin

September of 2019


The “Archaeological Evaluation Project with the purpose of evaluating the potential of the archaeological site Quebrada Chutana 1 and Quebrada Chutana 2. District of Chilca, Cañete”, in order to evaluate the potential and characterization of these archaeological sites. Also, to determine the extent of the sectors with archaeological content that are subject to rescue.

In 2002, the Project of Archaeological Evaluation of Recognizance without excavations in Quebrada Chutana, district of Chilca, Cañete, was carried out in order to apply for the CIRA. The project was framed within the multidisciplinary environmental impact study, and identified 5 archaeological settlements, represented by sets of corrals, terraces and silos. The identified evidence is completely disturbed and altered.

CIRA No. 2002-191, issued as a result of the PEA of reconnaissance without excavations, states that the site is adjacent to an archaeological zone: it is adjacent to an archaeological zone. These sites are delimited and marked in coordination with the INC. Indicating the UTM coordinates for Quebrada Chutana Archaeological Site 1, Quebrada Chutana Archaeological Site 2 and Quebrada Chutana Archaeological Site 4. Also noting that in the rest of the land there are NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL VESTIGES.

The present archaeological evaluation project, aims to evaluate with restricted excavations, the potential and characterization of the Archaeological Site Quebrada Chutana 1 and Quebrada Chutana 2, in order that the Project “Treatment Plant and Final Disposal of Hazardous Industrial Waste”, continues to be viable, according to its EIA approved and updated according to the Directorial Resolution No. 1213-2016/DSA/DIGESA/SA, which is attached in the annexes.

La Solución AMBIDES

The construction of hazardous waste treatment and disposal facilities for the proper management of hazardous waste. To propose a safe alternative solution to the problem of hazardous waste management in the department of Lima, in terms of final disposal.

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