Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Contracting of the consulting services for the work “Preparation of the technical file and obtaining of the environmental certification for the construction project of a sanitary landfill for non-hazardous waste, in the Mantaro Campo Armiño Production Center, district of Colcabamba, province of Tayacaja, department of Huancavelica”.

Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Contracting of the consulting services f...


Contracting of the consulting services for the work “Preparation of the technical file and obtaining of the environmental certification for the construction project of a sanitary landfill for non-hazardous waste, in the Mantaro Campo Armiño Production Center, district of Colcabamba, province of Tayacaja, department of Huancavelica”.



Fecha de Inicio

November of 2020

Fecha de Fin

January of 2022


The proponent of the project is the company ELETROPERU, which is dedicated to generate and commercialize electric energy at the national level.  It has two hydroelectric power plants “Santiago Antunez de Mayolo” and “Restitución”, which require for their operation key technical and professional personnel that under a work regime live temporarily in the camps built for their work stay. In such sense, as any city such camps must have an integral solid waste management system that goes from its storage to its disposal.

La Solución AMBIDES

Develop the Technical File for the “Construction of a Sanitary Landfill for Non-Hazardous Waste at the Mantaro Campo Armiño Production Center, District of Colcabamba, Province of Tayacaja, Department of Huancavelica”, in order to comply with the requirements established by MINAM in the Integral Solid Waste Management Law and its Regulations. And thus ensure an economically, sanitary and environmentally adequate management and handling of solid waste.


Conformity of the Substantial Technical Report

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To grant conformity to the Technical Sustainability Report for the project "Modification of the auxiliary component of the non-hazardous solid waste infrastructure with the inclusion of a sanitary landfill at the Campo Armiño site".

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