Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Consulting Services for the Preparation of the Technical Feasibility Study for the Location of a Monofill for the Disposal of WWTP Sludge – in the towns of Puno and Juliaca.

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Consulting Services for the Preparation of the Technical Feasibility Study for the Location of a Monofill for the Disposal of WWTP Sludge – in the towns of Puno and Juliaca.



Fecha de Inicio

January of 2018

Fecha de Fin

January of 2019


The management of non-hazardous solid waste in Peru, and in particular, sludge from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) has certain deficiencies in terms of compliance with environmental and health regulations regarding final disposal. Therefore, VEOLIA seeks to provide the services of final disposal of preventive waste from wastewater treatment activities (WWTP sludge) in the region of Puno, for which it requests AMBIDES S.A.C. to execute a technical feasibility study.

La Solución AMBIDES

Identify sites that meet the favorable characteristics for the installation of a monofill of sludge from WWTP in the surroundings of the cities of Puno and Juliaca.

Systematize and evaluate the information of the pre-selected sites in the cities of Puno and Juliaca, for the monofill of sludge from WWTP.

Select the most suitable areas for the installation of a monofill of sludge from the WWTP of VEOLIA.

Identify by means of graphic support, the favorable and unfavorable areas showing the qualification criteria used for its determination through location maps.

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