Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Consulting services for the development of the Technical Expeditory “Recovery of the Area Degraded by Municipal Solid Waste in the Human Settlement Nueva Jerusalén II District Carabayllo, Province of Lima, Department of Lima” Unique Investment Code N°. 2483388.

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Consulting services for the development of the Technical Expeditory “Recovery of the Area Degraded by Municipal Solid Waste in the Human Settlement Nueva Jerusalén II District Carabayllo, Province of Lima, Department of Lima” Unique Investment Code N°. 2483388.



Fecha de Inicio

September of 2021

Fecha de Fin

June of 2022


The Regional Government Program of Metropolitan Lima, within its policies has the commitment to contribute to the process of reducing negative environmental impacts within the metropolitan habitat. In this sense, it has identified and prioritized the preparation of the Technical File for the project: “RECOVERY OF THE AREA DEGRADED BY MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE IN THE NUEVA JERUSALÉN II HOA, DISTRICT OF CARABAYLLO, PROVINCE OF LIMA, DEPARTMENT OF LIMA”.

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The projected infrastructure will include the construction of multipurpose sports slabs, construction of an amphitheater, installation of a calisthenics park, installation of playground equipment, green areas, acquisition of materials and furniture to implement the park, construction of infrastructure for recreational areas (sidewalks, ramps, stairs, plaza), acquisition of equipment and tools for maintenance, implementation of workshops to raise awareness on solid waste management, implementation of workshops on management of degraded areas, training of personnel in landfill closure, and implementation of skills training for operational personnel to perform park maintenance.


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Resolution of approval of the Plan for the Recovery of Degraded Areas.

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Deputy Management Resolution No. D000119-2022-MML-GSCGA-SGA for the approval of the "Plan for the Recovery of Areas Degraded by Municipal Solid Waste in the Nueva Jerusalén II Human Settlement, district of Carabayllo, province of Lima, department of Lima" presented by the Regional Government Program of Metropolitan Lima.

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