Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Consulting Service in the Preparation of the Preliminary Environmental Assessment and Registration of the Company Provider of Solid Waste Services EPS – RS

Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Consulting Service in the Preparation of...


Consulting Service in the Preparation of the Preliminary Environmental Assessment and Registration of the Company Provider of Solid Waste Services EPS – RS


Kanay S.A.C

Fecha de Inicio

June of 2013

Fecha de Fin

July of 2013


The company KANAY SAC contracted the services of the consulting firm AMBIDES SAC to develop an EVAP of the Project “Infrastructure for the Treatment of Hospital Waste in Lima” on land located in the District of Villa El Salvador on Calle 4 Mz. U Sub lot 26 – Cooperativa de Colonización “Las Vertientes”.

La Solución AMBIDES

The evaluation was carried out identifying the activities in the four stages of: Planning, Construction, Operation/ Maintenance and Closing; and its possible impacts proposing contingency plans regarding soil, water, air resources, particle generation, odor control, noise, flora, fauna, etc. In addition, training was proposed for the work personnel in: orientation in individual safety, safety in the use of hygiene equipment and occupational safety, proper operation in loading and unloading waste containers, equipment or heavy tools, etc.

In addition, the registration for the company KANAY as a Provider of Waste Services was managed before the General Directorate of Environmental Health – DIGESA, requesting Authorization for the provision of its services for the collection, transportation and treatment of waste from health care establishments (ES and ES-P), for which a Descriptive Report of the Treatment Plant was delivered as a requirement.

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