Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Consulting Service in the Preparation of a Site Selection Study for the Future Landfill of Paras

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Consulting Service in the Preparation of a Site Selection Study for the Future Landfill of Paras


Contractors and Consultants BEEZALEL S.R.L

Fecha de Inicio

May of 2012

Fecha de Fin

May of 2012


In the District of Paras, approximately 2.5 MT of solid waste accumulates per day, the evacuation of solid waste, in the case of the town of Paras, is carried out partially since there is a minimum of personnel, which limitedly covers the urban areas. In popular areas, where the collection service does not come easily, the problem of waste disposal is accentuated by the formation of small sources of unsanitary and contaminated areas.

La Solución AMBIDES

For this reason, the services of AMBIDES SAC were contracted for the elaboration of a site selection study for the projected sanitary landfill, having several plots of land as possible alternatives, variables such as: accessibility, land use, size, were analyzed for each one. of land, useful life, environmental liabilities, preservation of health and environmental risks, referential distances (water sources, population, water supply sources, farms, airports, etc.), weather factors, possibility of covering material, geological factors ( terrain slope, soil composition, permeability, etc.), geotechnical factors, ANP, etc.

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