Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Consulting Service in Technical Assistance for the Preparation of the Situational Status of the Management and Handling of Municipal Solid Waste in the Town of Anco, district of Anco, Province of La Mar, Ayacucho Region

Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Consulting Service in Technical Assistan...


Consulting Service in Technical Assistance for the Preparation of the Situational Status of the Management and Handling of Municipal Solid Waste in the Town of Anco, district of Anco, Province of La Mar, Ayacucho Region


Ministry of Environment

Fecha de Inicio

November of 2014

Fecha de Fin

December of 2014


The Ministry of the Environment, as the governing body of the environmental sector, is committed to the “VRAEM Multisectoral Intervention Program 2013-2016”. It also fulfills the function of promoting the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, biological diversity and protected natural areas, promotes and coordinates the proper management of solid waste, the protection of air quality and the environment.

La Solución AMBIDES

For the aforementioned project, a Diagnosis of the integral management of solid waste was prepared in the components of storage, sweeping, collection, transport, reuse and final disposal of municipal waste, finding that it had a Solid Waste Management Plan approved under Municipal Ordinance No. 003-2013-MDA-LM/A. In addition to the services provided, Anco provides cleaning, collection and transport services to 9 locations: Arwimayo, San Vicente, Huayrapata, Lechemayo, Unión Progreso, San Cristóbal de Anco, Pacobamba, Sacharaccay – Huallhuay and Chiquistirca.

An evaluation of the management instruments was also carried out: Municipal Organic Structure, ROF Organization and Functions Regulation and MOF Organization and Functions Manual, from which it was concluded that the ROF did not adopt functions regarding the supervision of waste management. solid, in addition to the fact that in the MOF some positions within the Social Development and Public Services Management had been ignored.

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