Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Consulting for the Preparation of the Technical File and SD Environmental Impact Study for the improvement and expansion of the Public Cleaning Service in the District of Iquitos and in the Final Disposal Process of Municipal Solid Waste in the District of Iquitos, Punchana, Belén de la Maynas Province – Loreto

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Consulting for the Preparation of the Technical File and SD Environmental Impact Study for the improvement and expansion of the Public Cleaning Service in the District of Iquitos and in the Final Disposal Process of Municipal Solid Waste in the District of Iquitos, Punchana, Belén de la Maynas Province – Loreto


Provincial Municipality of Maynas

Fecha de Inicio

March of 2016

Fecha de Fin

June of 2016


The landfill area covers a total of 31 hectares and is located at Km 46 of the Iquitos-Nauta highway (right bank), in the district of San Juan Bautista, province of Maynas, department of Loreto. The solid waste from an urban (and even rural) area from domestic, commercial and industrial activities, markets, sweeping and cleaning of roads and public areas, among others, will be disposed of in the landfill, which represents a complex task that has become a problem for municipal authorities and the population in general.

La Solución AMBIDES

The mechanized sanitary landfill in the province of Maynas, located at Km 46 of the Iquitos – Nauta highway, was designed to dispose an average of 383.84 tons per day of municipal solid waste, covering an area of 31 hectares. During its 14 years of useful life, the project will benefit the inhabitants of the districts of Iquitos, Punchana and Belén, reaching a total population of 395,827 inhabitants.

The design methodology adopted was the mixed method that combines trenches and platforms, where the waste will be disposed with a compaction density of 0.80 tons/m3; the bottom and slopes will be waterproofed with a geosynthetic package consisting of a layer of non-woven geotextile of 300 gr/m2 and a layer of double-textured HDPE geomembrane, to prevent leachate from percolating into the lower soil layers and avoid contaminating the groundwater. To maximize the useful life of the project, the mechanical conditions of the foundation soil and embankments were improved using current soil improvement techniques with geosynthetics through the application of the “Dimension and Stratum” systems, which made it possible to reach heights of up to 19.5 meters of disposed solid waste.

The landfill consists of an administrative area: guard house, administrative building, tools and compost warehouse, fuel dispenser and a composting plant, and an operational area consisting of: the internal access road for the transit of Madrina trucks, three trenches and platforms for the final disposal of solid waste with a total storage capacity of 2,613.668.51 m3 and two ponds for the storage and recirculation of leachate with a total capacity of 26,252.40 m3. All of these structures were designed in compliance with the requirements of the National Building Regulations.

Because the landfill area is located in an area with high rainfall and based on the hydrological study, leachate collection and conduction drains were designed with HDPE pipes inside the cells; and hydraulic structures for surface water diversion and conduction of up to 5.0 m3/s that guarantee efficient and safe operation of the landfill under the most adverse environmental conditions.

To prevent, mitigate and/or control the negative environmental impacts generated by the engineering works, a semi-detailed environmental impact study was prepared, which includes an environmental management plan, an occupational health and safety plan, a closure and abandonment plan, a contingency plan, and a citizen participation plan. The landfill in the province of Maynas is an infrastructure designed for the disposal and treatment of municipal solid waste in the Selva region, meeting the engineering quality standards required by international and national regulations, which guarantees proper operation, sanitary and environmentally safe. The investment amount for the habilitation of this infrastructure is S/32,520,654.38, at direct cost.

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