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2019Construction Consulting Services for the preparation of the technical file entitled “Improvement and Expansion of the Public Cleaning Service in the Localities of Santiago de Tuna, San Juan de Hualapunco, La Merced de Chilca and Santa Cruz de Lucumani, district of Santiago de Tuna – Huarochiri – Lima with SNIP code 293945”.
Fecha de Inicio
October of del 2019
Fecha de Fin
January del 2020
The project “Improvement and Expansion of the Public Cleaning Service of the district of Santiago de Tuna, Province of Huarochirí Department of Lima” focuses on the final disposal component in particular on the construction of the manual sanitary landfill. In this regard, the project covers 04 localities of the district of Santiago de Tuna being these: La Merced de Chilca, San Juan de Hualapunco, Santa Cruz de Lucumani and Santiago de Tuna.
La Solución AMBIDES
A sanitary landfill is proposed considering different facilities for the proper handling and management of operations both at the final disposal level and at the level of inorganic waste utilization such as administrative area, internal road, monitoring well, trenches, chimneys, interior and exterior drains and perimeter fence.