Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Completion of the semi-detailed Environmental Impact Study of the Hazardous Waste Disposal Infrastructure Ecocentro Maynas.

Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Completion of the semi-detailed Environm...


Completion of the semi-detailed Environmental Impact Study of the Hazardous Waste Disposal Infrastructure Ecocentro Maynas.


Kanay S.A.C

Fecha de Inicio

December of 2021

Fecha de Fin

December of 2022


The measures proposed in the Environmental Management Strategy (EMS) are intended to protect, prevent, mitigate, correct, or compensate for each of the environmental components that could be impacted during the stages of the project, in accordance with current environmental regulations. The Environmental Management Strategy (EMS) is made up of specific plans, programs, and guidelines that complement each other in order to cover all the environmental aspects of the project’s surroundings. In this sense, it is a management document that sets out the environmental conservation commitments to be assumed by the project owner at each stage of the project.
During the construction stage, implementation of the Environmental Management Strategy will be the responsibility of the contractor, who will report the results to the project owner; during the operation, maintenance and closure stage, implementation of the environmental management strategy will be the responsibility of the project owner as the waste management operator.

La Solución AMBIDES

Prevent, correct or mitigate the adverse effects caused on the elements of the physical, biological and socioeconomic environment by the execution of the project, through the application of technical-environmental measures and compliance with the environmental regulations in force in the country.

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