Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Awareness and Social Management Service at “El Zapallal” Sanitary Landfill

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Awareness and Social Management Service at “El Zapallal” Sanitary Landfill



Fecha de Inicio

August of 2021

Fecha de Fin

May of 2022


This report details the activities carried out by the social team of AMBIDES SAC during the period September 2021 – March 2022, within the framework of the SOCIAL AWARENESS AND INTERVENTION SERVICE – EL ZAPALLAL SANITARY FILLER (hereinafter Service). The objectives of the aforementioned Service were as follows:

– Generate collaborative dialogue actions between INNOVA AMBIENTAL (INNOVA) and the neighboring population around the El Zapallal Landfill, in order to raise awareness and generate a favorable social climate for INNOVA’s operations.

– Unify the programs to be proposed in the Social Management Plan (PGS) of the Environmental Adequacy and Management Program (PAMA) and the actions in a timeline with progressive goals so that dialogue is initiated and agreements are reached between INNOVA and the population that opposes the Project.


La Solución AMBIDES

Generate a consensus scenario between INNVOVA and the population, as a way to prevent conflicts, for the proper development of the PAMA approval process.


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