Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / “Archaeological Monitoring Plan and Delimitation of the Archaeological Site Quebrada Chutana 3 and Quebrada Chutana 5” of Taris S.A., located in the District of Chilca, province of Cañete, department of Lima.

Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / “Archaeological Monitoring Plan an...


“Archaeological Monitoring Plan and Delimitation of the Archaeological Site Quebrada Chutana 3 and Quebrada Chutana 5” of Taris S.A., located in the District of Chilca, province of Cañete, department of Lima.


Taris S.A

Fecha de Inicio

October of 2019

Fecha de Fin

December of 2021


This “Archaeological Monitoring Plan for the Treatment Plant and Final Disposal of Hazardous Industrial Waste Project, located in Quebrada Chutana, district of Chilca”, is presented at the request of KANAY S.A.C., who will be responsible for executing this project.
The company KANAY S.A.C., as part of the Project “Treatment Plant and Final Disposal of Hazardous Industrial Waste”, located in Quebrada Chutana, district of Chilca, Province of Cañete, department of Lima, plans to carry out excavations for the construction of a Safety Landfill.
Also, as part of the EMP, the delimitation and physical marking of 2 archaeological sites, Quebrada Chutana 3 and Quebrada Chutana 5, is proposed, according to the recommendations of official letter N° 369-2002-INC/DGPA-D. These sites are adjacent to the area with CIRA N° 2002-191.

La Solución AMBIDES

Construction of hazardous waste treatment and disposal facilities for the proper management of hazardous waste. To propose a safe alternative solution to the problem of hazardous waste management in the department of Lima, regarding the final disposal of industrial waste.
Also, as part of the EMP, the delimitation and physical marking of two archeological sites, Quebrada Chutana 3 and Quebrada Chutana 5, according to the recommendations of official letter N° 369-2002-INC/DGPA-D, is proposed. These sites are adjacent to the area with CIRA N° 2002-191.

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