Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Environmental Studies for the Final Disposal of Common Solid Waste in Tintaya Antapaccay

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Environmental Studies for the Final Disposal of Common Solid Waste in Tintaya Antapaccay



Fecha de Inicio

July of 2014

Fecha de Fin

August of 2014


AMBIDES SAC prepared the Characterization study for the Determination of Solid Waste Generated in the Antapaccay Camp, as well as a Site Selection study for a Final Disposal Infrastructure (Landfill).

La Solución AMBIDES

The study will establish the characteristics of the waste produced in Antapaccay, through statistical analysis and validation of the sample. The purpose is to characterize, quantify and update the production of Solid Waste in the area of ​​influence of the project. For which the following parameters will be determined: Physical composition, per capita generation and density for which the methodology validated by the Pan American Center for Sanitary Engineering will be used.

After the characterization study, the site selection study was carried out, which will seek the best alternative area to dispose of the waste generated by the population of the mining camp. Some comparison parameters will be defined to carry out the evaluation of these places, for example, land area, wind direction, availability of cover material, among others. In addition; it must be guaranteed that the operating conditions of the landfill in the area will be adequately carried out taking into account the repercussions and the restriction criteria existing in the current legislation in force.

Finally, the service concluded with the identification of a piece of land with the best conditions for the operation of the sanitary landfill and the amounts of solid waste produced that need to be disposed of.

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