Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Consulting Services for the Environmental Air Quality and Noise Monitoring for the Hazardous and Hospital Waste Treatment Infrastructure – I Semester 2020 – Kanay S.A.C., located in the district of Villa El Salvador, province and department of Lima.

Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Consulting Services for the Environmenta...


Consulting Services for the Environmental Air Quality and Noise Monitoring for the Hazardous and Hospital Waste Treatment Infrastructure – I Semester 2020 – Kanay S.A.C., located in the district of Villa El Salvador, province and department of Lima.



Fecha de Inicio

June of 2019

Fecha de Fin

July of 2020


The company KANAY S.A.C. committed to the care and preservation of the environment has as environmental commitment the execution of environmental monitoring in its operational facilities located in Calle 4 Mz U Sub lote 2A, Cooperativa Las Vertientes – Villa el Salvador, this area is classified as an industrial zone, for which it requests AMBIDES S.A.C. to carry out environmental monitoring.

La Solución AMBIDES

Conduct air quality monitoring in the company KANAY S.A.C. and compare the results with current national regulations.

Perform environmental and occupational noise monitoring at KANAY S.A.C. and compare it with the national regulations in force.

Carry out measurements of meteorological parameters in the area, in order to correlate the results with the concentrations obtained in air quality.

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Do not hesitate to contact us!

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Ambides Soluciones Ambientales

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