Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Preparation of location plans, perimetric and descriptive memory, Cadastral Search Certificate (CBC) issued by SUNARP, regarding the land located in the district of San Juan Bautista, province of Maynas, department of Loreto to develop the “Ecocentro Maynas” project.

Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / Preparation of location plans, perimetri...


Preparation of location plans, perimetric and descriptive memory, Cadastral Search Certificate (CBC) issued by SUNARP, regarding the land located in the district of San Juan Bautista, province of Maynas, department of Loreto to develop the “Ecocentro Maynas” project.



Fecha de Inicio

March of 2022

Fecha de Fin

May of 2022


The Project area, comprises a total of 56,918 hectares and is located in the department of Loreto, province of Maynas in the district of San Juan Bautista.  The infrastructure will be used for the final disposal of hazardous waste from the transportation and final disposal activities of KANAY SECHE GROUP S.A.C., for its design has been considered the information provided by the basic studies for the project, as well as the estimate of waste to be disposed and the characteristics of these.

In order to take maximum advantage of the available land area, the disposal of solid waste will be carried out by the following methods

It will be carried out by the trench method through the creation of 8 platforms on the determined surface, then the area method will be used, reaching the projected height. The infrastructure will have the following components: access roads, Entrance façade, perimeter fences, administrative and final disposal platforms, Administrative Building, transitory waste storage, leachate pond, fluvial water pond, leachate pond roof structure, fluvial pond roof structure and Trench roof structure.

La Solución AMBIDES

Request the Cadastral Search Certificate (CBC) before Public Records of Maynas regarding the land located in the district of San Juan Bautista, province of Maynas, department of Loreto to develop the project “Ecocentro Maynas”.


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