Inicio / Nuestros Proyectos / “Design and Engineering for the Expansion of the Biocontaminated Solid Waste Treatment System at the Jorge Chavez International Airport”.

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“Design and Engineering for the Expansion of the Biocontaminated Solid Waste Treatment System at the Jorge Chavez International Airport”.



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February of 2022

Fecha de Fin



The project for the expansion of the Solid Waste treatment plant at Jorge Chavez International Airport, consists of the implementation of a new treatment system for additional biocontaminated waste by means of autoclaves, which should supply the waste processing needs until the year 2035. This involves the installation of 2 new autoclaves, 2 shredders, 2 turner systems, 1 steam boiler with their respective equipment, water systems, drainage, fuel, among others for the normal operation of the new plant within a new industrial building that will house the new equipment and the boiler room.

La Solución AMBIDES

The Expansion of the treatment plant will have an industrial building capable of containing autoclave equipment, turners, shredders and a boiler with all its equipment, as well as all its facilities in such a way that the equipment works properly, in addition to raising improvements for the current treatment plant so that it continues with its operation until the year 2035.

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